SBCGlobal Server Settings For Smooth Email Communication

One of the largest email and communication services providers, Southwestern Bell Corporation, SBC is administered by AT&T. It offers you an excellent opportunity to fulfill your emailing requirements without any hassle. However, for this emailing platform's smooth functioning, you must ensure appropriate SBCGlobal server settings on your device. The settings consist of the IMAP and SMTP email server settings. Let’s have a look at how you can perform this action and start communicating via email hassle-freely.

Steps ForSBCGlobal Server Settings

  1. Under the Incoming (IMAP) Mail Server Settings, enter the following:

Account Type:                                IMAP

Username:                                       Email Address

Password:                                        Email Account Password

Server hostname:               

ServerPort:                                     993

Required Authentication?         Yes, Email account Username and Password

SSL/TLS:                                            Yes

  1. Under the Outgoing (SMTP) Mail Server Settings, enter the following:

Account Type:                                SMTP

UserName:                                      Email Address

Password:                                        Email Account Password

Server hostname:               

Server port:                                                465

Required Authentication?         Yes, Email account Username and Password

SSL/TLS:                                            Yes


While the IMAP email server is responsible for handling the incoming email services, the SMTP email server settings will handle the outgoing email services. These settings are pivotal in ensuring the proper functioning of SBCGlobal email services on your device. You can access emails through Email login using appropriate login credentials.

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